Thursday, August 10, 2006

Home Again, Home Again

Okay, I'll admit-- going to see family isn't exactly vacation. Mark made his command performance at his grandparents' home. I didn't exactly get any 'downtime,' especially with trying to get around to see everyone. Also, it's a bit frustrating to arrive at my parents' place to discover that our time has been scheduled before we even arrived. We had a nice visit, and Mark continues to charm all-- family, fellow airplane passengers, and random strangers on the street.

I'm very happy that we arrived back yesterday and didn't have to go through the 'no liquids' sweep at the airport. Yikes! My question is: are the screeners trained to know what formula smells like? What about breastmilk? (I was always nervous while I was breastfeeding and pumping that the screeners were going to make me justify that it was breastmilk in the containers...)

Now that I'm back at home and school starts next week, I've decided to lose some weight. I truly didn't know how hard it would be to keep the weight off once I stopped breastfeeding. I've previously done W*eight W., but I'm not sure what I'll do this time. I'm a bit intrigued by the Sonoma diet... Has anyone out there tried it? Is it do-able?

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