Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The House of the Cranky Baby

Yesterday, the boy went to the doctor and got some medicine. He woke up this morning and was pretty darn cranky. I figured he was still waking up-- until we were in the car, I handed him a bottle, he took it by the nipple, and flung it across the backseat. That pretty much set the tone for the day.

Tonight, he's been pretty happy, considering how the day began. We're hoping that by putting him to bed early, he'll wake up in a better mood tomorrow. Does anyone have the happy baby serum out there?


klugula said...

Chloroform? Sorry, it was the timing. I'm watching an episode of Charlie's Angels right now, and chloroform is at the center of the mystery.

Always Around Kids said...

Unfortunately, powdered formula is the strongest stuff I've got... ;)