Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Food photographer vs. Working mom

There are times that I'm jealous of stay-at-home moms. Why? Time. Yes, time, time, time. I went to this blog the other day and turned all green with jealousy. It must be juicily glorious to have the time to take gorgeous pictures of wonderful home-cooked food. Me? I spend my time waking up, rushing around to get the four bags together (school bag, lunch bag, purse, and diaper bag), getting Mark bathed/fed/changed, load it all in the car, get to daycare and unload Mark and the diaper bag, rush to school, run around to get papers copied, teach the 28 kids while they all ask to go to the bathroom/media center/printer to get their Accelerated Reader paper while the instructional resource teacher/special ed paraprofessional/Behavior Center Monitor ask me about the missing writing tests/if student X needs support during the math test/the reading intervention group is one student low, then I get 30 minutes to walk to and from the lunch room/eat/pee, monitor students playing at recess/the car moving slowly alongside the kids standing at the playground fence/the parent without a check-in badge coming onto the playground, teach the kids some more while student X tries to rifle through the backpacks, student Y camps out in the bathroom for 20 minutes, and student Z chucks a crayon across the room but tells me that he didn't do it, then I load all of the papers that I didn't have time to touch during the day into my school bag, load my dirty dish bag/school bag/oops forgot the purse into the car, rush back to daycare, load Mark and the diaper bag, get home and unload the four bags, make dinner, feed Mark, try to eat while he cries because I'm not holding him, and then perhaps I have some time to pop off a quick email/blog post/watch the episode of Ugly Betty I've had tivo-ed for two weeks.

I'd love to be able to take pretty pictures of food.

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