Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Three days to go...

The elementary school teacher profession keeps you hopping at the holidays. There are the holiday programs, Secret Santas, and the cookie exchanges. While it all helps to build the holiday mood (there's no missing the anticipatory buildup to the holidays in grade school), it is a bit tiring after a while.

I have today, Thursday, and Friday to go. I have 'miles to go before I rest.'

The holiday program (which could have been a train wreck, but wasn't) was last night. Of course DH was out of town. One of the secretaries at our school, who happens to be the most fabulous, funny, self-depreciating mother I have ever met (and who loves Mark as if he were her own-- no, really)-- wrangled the toddler while I was on teacher duty.

Just realized the time. I'm off. It's cookie exchange today.

I need some coffee.

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