Monday, December 15, 2008

Number One and Number Two

There are certain humbling experiences about parenting. We all go through them.

Baby puke on your clothing.

Awkwardness at work as you muddle through your third month of sleep deprivation.

Realizing others around you are disgusted by potty-talk. (As in bathroom-talk, not Illinois governor talk.)

I had a humbling moment tonight.

I have not been able to shop after work for, oh, three years or so. Recently, Mark has allowed me to shop at night. Alone, with him. (This is a small miracle, because I was one of those parents you glared at as I rolled past you with a cart full of screaming infant/toddler.) Tonight, it was off to Staples to buy a printer cartridge to get our Christmas letters knocked out. I was so proud of my boy-- he walked into the store with me, let me put him in the cart, waited patiently as I grabbed the cartridges, and talked to me as we waited in line for the register.

Oh, until we were next in line and he screamed, "MOMMY! I NEED TO PEE AND POOP!"

Apparently he thought I didn't hear, because he then repeated it.

I would have crawled under the cart right there had it been possible.

If you are in public and hear this, please know that we parents don't wish to subject you to this punishment.


~e said...

Funny, just funny. Hey, we all have to go sometime right? It's always better to tell before, than after.

klugula said...

Do you really? :)