Sunday, November 30, 2008

And for the movies...

Inspired by my friend, here are a couple of movies I recently saw.

King Corn-- Wow. If you don't have time to read Michael Pollan's tome The Omnivore's Dilemma, this is a quick alternate overview of the industrial foodchain section. (And if you eat, I personally think that you should read Pollan's book.) If you watch the movie and wonder what to do next, read Pollan's In Defense of Food. Good documentary.

La Vie En Rose-- I watched this one solo. The scene that haunted me was when her boxer lover wakes her up after his flight and the chaos that ensues afterward. So sad to see how she physically deteriorated at such a young age.

No Country For Old Men-- This movie is one of many (The Departed, Sweeney Todd, and others that I can't remember off the top of my head) that I just plain haven't finished. I'm kind of over entertaining myself with dark bleakness. (I felt secretly guilty about it until I saw the article in the Washington Post about this issue...) I get about halfway in and then look a spoiler up on the web. It's making my DH crazy.

Sunset Boulevard-- I have never seen this before (yes, Mike, I deserve twenty lashes...) so I figured it was high time. Gloria Swanson had always skeeved me out when she delivered the "I'm ready for my close-up..." line. I'm glad that I got over it. I now see why it is such a classic. (And I was surprised by the secondary love affair story line.)

That's as far as I've gotten. I got to see half of Madagascar II this weekend (in the theater! Oh, the joy!) before the bulb on the projector burned out and the employees said that we all needed to come back for another showing. Iwas incredibly proud of Mark-- he sat and watched like such a big boy. There's just something wistful and touching about watching your little boy sitting straight up in his seat, watching the movie intently. To quote Mike, good times.

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