Sunday, March 02, 2008

A Little Spontaneity

Monday night, we got a phone call from Mark's Oma (that's grandma, in Deutsch-- aka DH's mom). She was in the large city that closest to us and wanted us to head up on Wednesday night. We decided that it would be too much to drive up on a weeknight and comprimised on Saturday. So on Saturday, we went up to meet her at the airport.

Little did we know that we would have to drive through a parade to get there. And then we had to wait for 45 minutes for her to arrive (God bless the DVD player in the van).

We ended up up eating at a restaurant in the airport. Mark flirted with the wait staff (who responded with lots of grapes and attention). I had multiple glasses of wine.

Actually, it was the best visit that I've had with her for a long time. (Was it the wine?)

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