Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Babe

My munchkin worries me a bit. He's been on the wee side since he was born, which was a shock to my husband and me. We were both mid-8 lb. babies, and we expected Mark to be the same.

Nope. He was 6 pounds, 8 ounces.

And he continues to be small. Which we find weird. He's healthy, chipper, and can figure stuff out like it's no one's business (this 13-month-old called three numbers from my contacts list on my cell phone tonight). But he's below the fifth percentile for head circumference and weight and at the twenty-fifth percentile for length.

I'm not sure whether I should be worried or not. His ped. said at the 12-month appointment that since he was at the 15-month developmental stage, that there was no reason to be worried.

But I am worried.

He eats like a horse. Will he grow already?

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