Monday, August 04, 2008

Sweaty, umm... fun?

I stopped at two schools and the school administrative offices today, toddler in tow, before going to my school. My cutie pie son threw a rip-roaring temper tantrum as we left the first school-- made me crazy, because I don't want to be the teacher with the obnoxious child.

Got into the school and hit the ground running. I was, quite literally, jogging down the hallway with the carts laden with my stuff. (Nothing like the idea of missing out on a mini-vacation to motivate oneself. Here's the deal. If I get everything done, then I get to go to Norfolk-- and outlet goodness at Williamsburg-- with DH as he goes down for his job. If I don't finish, no trip.) Why so sweaty, you ask?

No air conditioning in the building during the summer, folks. Yes, that's right-- your tax dollars are conserved at our school and we only air condition the areas where people are. I mean, where they are supposed to be. It is hot and humid here in the summer, and the building was sweltering.

Then I discovered, two hours into my schlepping, that there is an air conditioner in my new classroom-- that I can control! In the portion of the building that I am leaving, there is only a unit on a master switch controlled by administration. I now! control! my! own! air! conditioner! Ahh, the luxuries of life...

Seriously, though-- as I was working on this day of vacation, since I was finishing up the previous school year less than two months ago-- it was hot, sweaty work today.

What did DH decide to do today on his birthday? To take off early and help his wife in the humid heat. Which he did, fabulously.

The spatial sense on this man of mine is amazing! I was going to go with the furniture arrangement left by the previous teacher. Mais non, DH comes in and reminds me that I'm driving students behind my desk (that ain't good, folks, even at my grade level). He twists the desk, and voila! I have a desk with 10-foot bookcases behind it. No student traffic flows behind my desk.

It's not done, but it's looking like I'll be able to go down to Virginia.

Happy birthday, DH!

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