Saturday, September 02, 2006


Ernesto was much kinder to us than was Isabel. When TS Isabel came through, we lost ~70 trees on our two acres-- 12 of which decided to rest themselves upon our house.

When I got home from school yesterday (after our early dismissal), I discovered that our tulip poplar that shaded the backyard had plopped down across our backyard. Immediately, I remembered the sleepless night spent waiting for the 'pop-whoosh-bang' sound. Pop was the tree roots breaking loose, whoosh was the sound of the 50 ft. tree falling, and bang was the impact-- which we occasionally felt as a shudder in our 18 month old house. My a** didn't endure years of waiting for a baby just to get crushed like a grape with my sweetness in my arms. No way.

So, I ran like a madwoman through the house, literally throwing jars of baby food, shampoo and conditioner, and other needs in bags and off I went to my friend's house. (You know who you are, thanks again for letting the three of us crash...) We watched The Producers (what a strange movie) and ate wonderful Chinese that my DH picked up after the delivery person was in a car accident.

We snuck out early this morning and made our way home (after visiting Starbucks, of course-- I felt a bit more courageous with a Mocha in my hand). As we came through the neighborhood, we saw many trees down, and one damaged house. We had multiple trees down and many leaning trees. We had a leaning maple (as in leaning towards our master bedroom) that we quickly cut down-- and I was really disappointed to discover my crepe myrtle was broken and now at a diagonal angle.

This isn't what we wanted to be doing on the first day of the labor day weekend (I wanted to engage in retail goodness at the Williamsburg outlets)-- but it's all worked out okay.

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