Saturday, January 02, 2010

I'm Now the Bad Mommy...

We flew home for Christmas. Well, we tried to fly home. We spent 4 days and 3 nights in Chicago that we were planning on spending in Wyoming. And then we ended up with 5 days and 4 nights with my parents.

We were pretty burned out by the time we boarded the plane to go home. I did all the right things-- ample snacks, favorite juice, bribery toys, and a choice of movies. Little did I realize that my child would insist on looking out the window. And then that he would get pissed when he couldn't see well out said window.

Well, I knew it would be an interesting flight when the 40+-year-old big haired woman took the seat behind my child and she gave a running commentary on what she thought of her surroundings as she boarded. And several times, she sighed loudly when my son threw a brief temper tantrum as the plane went up. I got him quiet and happy once I could turn on an electronic device.

Then, it was time to land. And I had to turn off the electronic device. And of course, he couldn't see out the window the way he wanted to. So he threw a temper tantrum. I had two choices-- screaming or bashing his head and legs into his seat. I chose the screaming so no one would be banged by the thrashing child.

And thus began the longest descent and airport taxi experience ever. I tried to calm my child, I tried to scold, I tried to redirect his attention... and nothing worked. I occasionally looked at my husband, who offered to switch spots with me-- but we were in the final approach and taxi so we knew we'd officially get in trouble then.

And the lady behind my child was a total wench as I tried to de-plane. So here's my official apology.

Lady-- I'm sorry that my emotionally drained, overtired child wrecked your flight. It was not our intention to inconvenience you. And if being around the general public pisses you off so much, DRIVE YOUR CAR!!!