Vacation picture! If you have a baby and just happen to find yourself in Key West, I highly recommend the Butterfly Conservatory. It was just lucky for the butterflies that pudgy baby arms don't move as quickly as their wings!
People stop us to admire him, which he absolutely eats up. We were on vacation last week (which I'm saving for a future post). My cousin said that she wants to go to law school near us so she can babysit (fine with me), the captain of the boat we took to go snorkeling offered to babysit him anytime, and the cashier at the magazine stand in Fort Lauderdale stopped everything to talk to Mark and me. Want to meet new people? Mark's your ticket!
My Dear Husband is gone right now, but comes home tomorrow. I swear that we should start buying real estate in the cities to which he always travels!
We just got back from a combination trip to Albequerque (to see my cousin get married) and the Florida Keys (to relax), and we leave in a few days to go to Wyoming. We're accompanying Mark as he goes to visit his grandparents near Gillette. What is funny is that we've chosen to go back during the Sturgis motorcycle rally (which takes place in South Dakota, but spills over into Wyoming). So we'll be steering the stroller around the bikers.
It is hotter than hot here today, so we are staying inside all day today. My friends are coming over so we can work on a Mathematics graduate class. (Just what everyone wants to do on a hot day, right?)